Fuzul iOS App


About Fuzul

Fuzul is a startup made to help people looking to purchase out-of-city or out-of-state property such as cars or residential properties make informed decisions without having to travel to the property location or simply hire eyes to witness an event or subject that is out of their reach.



Their Challenge

Sometimes you just are not able to be in the right place, at the right time.

Fuzul provides users with a unique job board, eyes for hire, and payment application. The Fuzul App allows users post jobs that require live streaming video of a place/events, then another user in the vicinity of the location will get push notification and can select the job, schedule the time, and provide a live streaming video of the property, event or subject in question for the job poster using the Fuzul App. The job poster can then join and watch live when streaming or watch it later from his/her phone, approve it and the person who completed the job gets paid. Now with Fuzul you can hire someone to be your eyes anywhere in the world.

Our Solution

With deep experience in Objective C programming, Saritasa developed the custom iOS application and backend for Fuzul. The application was designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, and allows for live video streaming as a prominent feature.

Our Approach

What Saritasa Did

Native Development

The Fuzul App was built using Apple’s native Objective C programming language and development framework to take full advantage of features available and to provide a better user experience on iOS devices.

Posting Jobs

Job posters are able to choose a job category, describe the job, set the payment amount, and confirm agreement with an interested job taker.

Taking Jobs

Job takers can sort through posted jobs near them on the map, select the job they would like to do, and get a notification from the job poster if accepted. Total earnings statements are saved within the Fuzul App as well.

Live Video Streaming

The Fuzul App was built to provide “Skype-like” live streaming video capability allowing a job poster to coordinate with the job taker to get real-time inspections of the property in question.

Stripe Payment Integration

Stripe iOS SDK implementation was utilized to provide an easy and secure way for job posters to pay job takers for services rendered.

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